Services: Handbooks

High-quality publications that send the right message


As a specialist contract publisher, Meridian's key focus is the production of high quality, high-impact full-colour handbooks.

Through a combination of intelligent editorial, stunning photographs and cutting-edge graphics, every handbook is custom tailored to your requirements, helping to put your marketing message across to potential customers.

Our strength is customer service.

We aim to be your partner, working in a two-way relationship with your own marketing or communications team to produce a publication that really stands out from the crowd.

Whether merging seamlessly with your own promotional material or acting as a stand-alone publication, the choice is yours.

Utilised by seaports, airports, logistics organisations and tourism authorities, our high-quality award-winning promotional handbooks track record for excellence across the industry.

Handbook design service from Meridian Publications:

  • Knowledgeable editorial, specialist writers
  • Imaginative design & high-quality print

Think you don't have the budget to support such a publication?

Many of our clients have utilised the Meridian PartnerPublish programme, which can reduce publishing costs by up to 90%.

Meridian Publications Limited, 7 The Rake Precinct, Bromborough, Wirral, CH62 7AD, UK

©2025 Meridian Publications Ltd. Registered in England. Company No. 03680334